User List

id Username number of comments number of segments points
11 chewybrian 0 0 0
38 bolhoso 0 3 6
13 jalbri 0 1 2
15 Tom Stormcrowe 0 0 0
22 shereef 0 0 0
23 verge 0 0 0
29 Otto64 0 0 0
30 spanishsamurai 0 0 0
37 ijstokes 0 0 0
32 RichardPaull 0 1 2
36 ferretboy 0 0 0
34 LiamIsAwesome 0 1 2
35 wcmurphy 0 0 0
39 testtest 0 0 0
40 signuptest12 0 0 0
41 signuptest123 0 0 0
43 signuptest11 0 0 0
46 ananth 0 0 0
47 ananthcse 0 0 0
48 bogdancalugaru 0 1 2
49 kazishahin 0 0 0
50 micalborn 0 0 0
65 openid5e93802504ee06981b5a71d532f1d4f3 0 0 0
54 openid29831b446db25fee5cc1273b4a6c0fd0 0 0 0
55 facebook100001096318581 0 0 0
56 facebook1122843211 0 0 0
64 atestasdfasdf 0 0 0
66 testtest2 0 0 0
67 pankaj 0 0 0
68 CHRISTI21Eaton 0 0 0
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